Saturday, January 06, 2007
Onigiri's Tetek
it seems that for a period of time, peole found their merry way to my blog whilst looking for the word: TETEK. sadly, i do not have an abundance of bobbies on my site, unless you enjoy Coce yo. (see camwhoreran highlands posts)

still cannot beat aly, whose blog was searched using the key words "pics of bloody underwear" or something like that some time ago hahaha.

ps: going to google trends site, it seemed the poor people in batu pahat searched the most for tetek, last i checked => tetek, just type it in and see what happens hehe

please donate generously, a lack of tetek is a terrible thing.

posted by onigiri @ 9:57 PM   |
Remember remember the end of December : part deux

30/12 afternoon - A New Piano for the YCA @ Chef & Brew Restaurant

30/12 evening - Queen Leen's 21st Birthday COCK-tale Bash @ The Palace of the Golden Thongs

(this is like a super condensed version, for the grand post have a peek into the highness's daily life.)

31/12 till 1/1 - Port DICKson new year.

happy new year all (^_^)~*
posted by onigiri @ 8:45 PM   |
Friday, January 05, 2007
Remember remember the end of December
22/12 - Winter Solstice/Goh tong lunch with family


to be continued...
posted by onigiri @ 11:50 PM   |

fwooh, 2006, what a year.

the year i graduated, the year i started working, the year i turned 21, the year i went on more trips, the year i became a cam whore, the year i actually filled up an organizer from jan to dec.

what will 2007 bring?

a few resolutions:
  1. to not get caught up in the moment - been making many mistakes and wrong choices/ decisions just because i was distracted by the NOW, and forgot about hat i already KNOW. don't what the question to arrive from myself and others, "know already and still do? WHY?"
  2. stop making excuses.
  3. manage my finances in an orderly fashion. and save some of it haha.
  4. always do what i love, and do my best. design and performing.
  5. begin dancing regularly again.
  6. look good, feel good. get that six pack and lose that baby fat, be strong enough to do lifts with a dance partner and to do tricks on the breakdance floor.
  7. CLEAN MY SPACE AT HOME. not only my room y'know. (damn, this one has been there since forever) maybe i should become more anal-neatfreak.
posted by onigiri @ 1:09 PM   |
it's japanese for riceball. in more local terms, ba chang might be the equivalent.
Nutritional Information

Name: onigiri
Home: Subang, Selangor, Malaysia
About Me: i wish inspiration would come rape me so i can have its illegitimate babies

See my complete profile

Babi-babi sekalian
teh O ais
penyanyi KL muda
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