a whole day wearing black. getting caught in the rain. leaving the house at 9.30 am and not stepping foot into it again till 1.30 am. leaving sunway at 11.30 pm to go to times square by 12.45pm. getting there at 12.35pm. singing... the leaving times square around 1.20pm. getting back to sunway around 2.20pm, just in time for a quick hit and ++run at rasberry bakery and off to class at 2.30pm. +
++4 hours of marker visual...
i think i had an out of brain experience during that class... +
class finishes late, managed to catch lift ++from parents who were on route to KL to go to Actors Studio Bangsar...running thru the rain...
+sing sing singcakaptalk borakdingdiliding dili ya babom ...
Mc Donalds for supper/dinner/second "meal" of the day.
who would've thought that nuggets could taste so good on a chilly day.