Tuesday, June 08, 2004
Attack of the webcomics

i am not proritizing right.

added the links sidebar to some webcomics i go to and you might like checking out.
html can be a bitch.

CONGRATULATIONS to my friend who just got a scholarship
>she's getting a blog of her own soon will add the link here later<

*note to self
add links to friends blogs?

*sigh* figures can be fun, it's just i have to actually DO them...goes off to continue drawing portraits for assignmnets.
posted by onigiri @ 1:57 PM  
it's japanese for riceball. in more local terms, ba chang might be the equivalent.
Nutritional Information

Name: onigiri
Home: Subang, Selangor, Malaysia
About Me: i wish inspiration would come rape me so i can have its illegitimate babies

See my complete profile

Babi-babi sekalian
teh O ais
penyanyi KL muda
Past Ramblings
Pickled Rice
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